A housewife becomes trapped in a series of false awakenings, realizing eventually that the looping dreams mirror the repetitive nature of her real life.

Meet The Crew
The crew were asked
"What was your last vivid dream?"

Writer The last dream I remember is all my teeth loosening and falling off. Filling my mouth with broken teeth. CRUNCHY.

Producer/Director The last dream I can remember in detail was one in which I was walking barefoot at night on my residential street. It was snowing peacefully. I’m not sure what it means but I remember feeling light and I woke up I was in a happy mood.

Director/Picture Editor The last vivid dream that I remember having was about one of my friends teaching me how to “invest” in serial killers. Almost the entire dream was her telling me about how she had made crazy returns by putting a lot of money into one serial killer.

Script Supervisor I was in the middle of a horror game set in my hometown- if my hometown was plopped into the mountains. Everything was super foggy. In this round, a giant had gotten loose and I had to stay out of the way as it destroyed the city landmark by landmark. I just remember running and wondering if there was going to be a safe place, and just getting used to the running once I saw the giant crush my high school’s ceiling. A man lied to the giant about my whereabouts to protect me

1st AD I dreamed that I was allergic to everything outside of the small town I was in. It was said that a powder of butterflies applied to my body could relieve this strange allergy. I went out in the field with my friends to catch butterflies, I rubbed the butterfly powder on my arm and it stung as if I were roasting my skin. I decided to give up on leaving the town. That day, I saw a house floating in the clouds. In front of the house, there was an even bigger tree covering the whole roof

Production Designer The last vivid dream I had that I remember was I woke up and started walking around my house and all the classic Horror movie characters you can think of were in my house in various areas not doing anything but just standing there.

DOP I mostly wake up forgetting what I have dreamed about. I’ll wake up reflecting on the dream and then literally 2 seconds later I don’t remember it. One dream that I do remember was like a year ago, it was when one of my friends failed a class and then towards the end of the dream he became a member of Big Time Rush and I honestly don’t know why.

Cam Op Lately been having vivid dreams almost nightly but they’ve all been boring? Last night I remember working at a restaurant and stocking the fridge with beer. I woke up slightly after I was done.

1st AC The last dream I remember having - I met Debbie Harry (the lead singer of Blondie) in a weird set-like room in the middle of the desert.